about us

  Osprey is a not-for-profit charity with no regular external funding.

with the recent rise in energy prices, we really need your help to keep the centre open.

if you can donate or would like to help us in any way, please get in touch.


Osprey Leisure Centre is based on Portland and primarily serves the Weymouth and Portland community and south Dorset in general. It is often regarded as the gateway to leisure activities in the area. It is one of the first or last places to visit upon crossing the causeway. This road link and Chesil Beach itself are two wonderful creations of nature not to be missed.

Based on the principle of pay and play with additional membership options the centre is ideal for anyone wishing to try a new activity or for visitors to the area looking to keep active or fill time and have fun during periods of inclement weather.

Whilst providing the deepest pool for miles around the centre also boasts a large indoor sports hall, squash/racket ball court and three fitness suites as well as a comprehensive programme of holiday activities for children, a friendly café and free parking.

There are various membership packages to suit regular customers who intend to visit often, some for less than £1 per day covering virtually any facility and class. Membership can be taken with no long term commitment so there really is an option for everyone.

Osprey Leisure Centre is a superb facility at the very heart of the community.

Osprey was originally known as the Boscawen Centre, it was built in the 1980s as a physical and recreational training centre for Royal Naval personnel based at Portland. Read the full history HERE

The Trust

South Dorset Community Sports Trust (SDCST) was set up in 1999 to address the lack of affordable sports and recreational facilities available in the area of South Dorset, especially Portland and Weymouth.  It was well known at the time that the Navy who had built the centre were intending to vacate and the local community set up the Trust to procure the site for the public when the MOD disposed of the property, this eventually occurring in 2007.

In keeping the centre open we have encouraged many more new groups and individuals of all abilities to come and benefit from everything offered.  From limited facilities back in those days we have constructed three new fitness areas, a room for indoor cycling, a new social area with café, a conference room, upgraded many of the community facilities on offer and also just converted a room into a family/disabled changing room and replaced all the showers.  This last year recorded a footfall of over 90,000 compared to just 35,000 in 2007/08.   Through sheer hard work, dedication, fundraising efforts and user support we have greatly improved the centre.

Whether you are local and want to make use of the facilities or visiting the area from afar you are most welcome to join us for anything to do with fitness, family and fun with choices of pay and play and membership options for regular participants.

Recently the centre has won awards for progressive thinking and action on energy saving, sustainable and renewable energy initiatives.  The Trust is a leading example of how to turn a business around from wasting most of its income on unnecessary utility consumption to being at the forefront of testing new products that other site operators visit from miles around to see how they might improve their own business.  We are always more than happy to help interested parties who wish to see what can be done if the determination is there to change for the better.

For more information on Trust facilities, events, donations and contracts please contact the General Manager on 01305 824378.

Going Green

Osprey Leisure Centre is innovative and award winning. We take pride in our efforts to be efficient and environmentally responsible. We have reduced gas and electric costs by 78% and have a building energy efficiency rating of 22 which is the lowest in the country for a leisure centre with a pool. Future plans and developments will always include Green Initiatives.

Air Source Heat Pumps take heat from the outside air and use this to heat the pool air space and pool water. Our system is a market leader in efficiency.

Solar Panels
On the main roof we have an array of solar panels which even on a dull day still add energy back into the system. Future plans are to cover even more of the roof.

Variable Speed Drives
This is the pumping system for the pool water – these highly efficient drives move water at controlled rates so saving on electricity and chlorine based on the amount of use the pool gets.

Pool Cover
Each night the pool cover is rolled out over the whole pool surface – this provides a major saving by both maintaining pool water temperature and also in reducing evaporation.

Where we can we separate our waste for recyclables and general rubbish.

We encourage cycling to and from the centre including for staff and also have one of only a few electric car charging points in the area.

We will endeavour over the coming years to keep up the good work and to set even higher standards with more sustainable energy produced from the solar panels and with our efforts in recycling and cutting down on plastic and non-recyclable waste.

Inclusive and Accessible

Osprey Leisure Centre is for the whole community. Our services and facilities, where possible reflect and embrace the needs of all customers.

Changing rooms
We have changing rooms for people who need the extra space and support.

General access
We also have a lift for the pool plus a stair lift so all of the ground floor is accessible and dedicated disability access parking.

Fitness for All
For fitness we have an excellent low impact gym fitted with a full range of equipment to tone, strengthen and improve cardiovascular fitness – including both recumbent cycles and upper body ergometers.

Classes also include specialist Cardiac Rehabilitation as well as Cancer-Fit and sessions for adults with specific learning and physical needs